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Can this chocolate get any cooler?

Can this chocolate get any cooler?

Well yes, Bahen and Co has proven that it is one of the coolest chocolates around, not just with its groovy packaging, or amazing taste or even the amazing story behind each bar, but with a 'cool' process right from the beginning. They use a process called Solar Drying for the drying of their cocao beans:

"Solar drying is a slower and more gentle process and removes the smoke taint risk. There is also the suggestion that exposure to UV is beneficial in flavor development. But solar drying takes more time, more work and therefore expense. Solar drying can also be challenging given the climatic conditions of the equatorial cocoa growing regions with frequent rain and cloud cover.   

A large proportion of the world’s cacao is dried in kilns that are wood fired. Two problems flow from this – smoke taint and excess heat. Flues are often inadequate and smoke permeates the beans. Excess heat causes the outer shell of the bean to harden too quickly and inhibit the release of acetic acid created during the fermentation process." - Bahen and Co 

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